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Jiangsu Dongbao Agrochemical Co., Ltd
Ministry of International Trade: 0514-86731510
Technical Department: 0514-86731500
Supply Department: 0514-86731237
Email: enjoying628@126.com
Address: Qili, Yiling Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City

300g/l propachlor cream

  • Classification:Herbicide series
  • Number of views:1404second
  • Release date:2024/3/7 10:36:23
  • summary
Propachlor plus safety agent, 75 grams per liter of hydrochloridine, it can protect rice seedlings and kill germination weeds. It can control most of the annual grass weeds, sedge family weeds and some broad-leaved weeds in paddy field, such as paspalum, gold, cow felt, heteromorphic sedge and duck's tongue grass. The effective period can be up to 30-50 days.
Application scope and application method:
crop Control object The amount of drug used in the preparation Application method
Direct rice field Annual weed 109-118 ml/mu 1633-1766 ml/ha Soil spray
Specification: 100 ml
Next:10% benzsulfuron wettable powder