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Jiangsu Dongbao Agrochemical Co., Ltd
Ministry of International Trade: 0514-86731510
Technical Department: 0514-86731500
Supply Department: 0514-86731237
Email: enjoying628@126.com
Address: Qili, Yiling Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City

5% abamectin cream

  • Classification:Fungicide series
  • Number of views:1479second
  • Release date:2024/3/7 10:36:23
  • summary
This product is an organophosphorus and pyrethroid alcohol insecticide, used to control cotton older bollworm. The effective period is 7 days.
Application scope and application method:
Crop (or range) Control object The amount of drug used in the preparation Usage method
cabbage Plutella xylostella

10.8-14.4 ml/mu

Specification: 100 ml
Next:80% pentazolol aqueous dispersion granules