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Jiangsu Dongbao Agrochemical Co., Ltd
Ministry of International Trade: 0514-86731510
Technical Department: 0514-86731500
Supply Department: 0514-86731237
Email: enjoying628@126.com
Address: Qili, Yiling Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City

50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid Water-Soluble Powder

  • Classification:Fungicide series
  • Number of views:2127second
  • Release date:2024/3/7 10:36:23
  • summary
This product is a new refined fungicide, sprayed on the surface of crops can release HOBr, HOBr activity is 8 times of hypochlorous acid activity, can strongly kill bacteria and fungi; DHT and ADHL are formed in the parent after the release of hypobromic acid by endothermic conduction, which have strong virus-killing effect. It is suitable for the prevention and treatment of Chinese cabbage soft rot, rice white leaf blight, bacterial stripe disease, and has dual functions of treatment and protection. 50% chlorobromoisocyanuric acid Water-Soluble Powder
Application scope and application method:
Crop Control object The amount of drug used in the preparation Application method
cabbage Soft rot

50-60 g/mu

rice White leaf blight, bacterial stripe disease

50-60 g/mu

Specifications: 20g, 30g
Next:45% sulfur • Tricyclazole Wettable Powder (graminine)