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Jiangsu Dongbao Agrochemical Co., Ltd
Ministry of International Trade: 0514-86731510
Technical Department: 0514-86731500
Supply Department: 0514-86731237
Email: enjoying628@126.com
Address: Qili, Yiling Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City

30% benzoyl propiconazole suspension

  • Classification:Fungicide series
  • Number of views:1510second
  • Release date:2024/3/7 10:36:23
  • summary
A broad spectrum safe internal fungicide. It has ideal internal absorption and can be quickly absorbed by plants after application. In the process of prevention and control of diseases, it shows the three major effects of prevention, treatment and eradication.
Application scope and application method:
Crop Control object The amount of drug used in the preparation Application method
rice Sheath blight


225-300g/ha atomizing
Specifications: 5 g, 10 g, 15 g
Next:1.8% octamine acetate aqueous solution